A BRIEF HISTORY We acquired our first cocker in 1978, a blue dog which we started to show. We had little success but had been bitten by the show bug. Although this dog had many faults we
count ourselves lucky to have started with him because it taught us so much and gave us the determination to breed better stock and set ourselves high standards, which have seen us go from strength to strength. In 1979
we set about finding two foundation bitches we purchased a blue from Mrs J. Maddock called Menadarva Morning Sky and a light blue from Mrs Lloyd Carey called Wild Oats of Ware (Gemma). Both were successful in the ring
especially Gemma who won seven limit classes at championship shows in her second year. It is worth noting that apart from our initial dog these are the only two we have ever purchased. From Gemma we bred our first
litter and retained a bitch Courtmaster Enchantress who won a R.C.C. our first major success. Next we mated Gemma to Cilleine Echelon (before he gained his title), from this mating we retained a dog and a bitch C. Bon
Ton & C .Je Suis. Bon Ton eventually went to France where he went on win B.I.S. at the St Ettiene all breed Ch. show. While in England Je Suis became our first Show Champion (5 C.Cs.& 5 R.C.Cs.). She did not
take well to motherhood and we only bred once from her and kept a bitch C. Santa Lucia who was to be the mother of our next champion Sh Ch C. Abracadabra (Arran) whose great achievement was to be B.O.B. at Crufts in
1987. Later he went to India with H.R.H. Prince Hussian and gained his Indian title and up until he retired was unbeaten being B.O.B. & B.I.S. at every all breed championship show entered. From Arran we kept a bitch
C Jezebel from whom we bred our latest champion C. Mr Magic (Oliver) 10 CC's 9 B.1.S & 10 R.C.Cs including R.C.C at Crufts in 1991. Oliver is now in France where he is proving his worth as a stud with people
travelling from as far afield as Moscow to use his services. Other than these home based Champions we have also exported to most parts of the world where our dogs have enjoyed great success including
- 2 Finnish Champions
- 1 Irish Champion
- 3 Indian Champions
- 1 Maltese Champion
- 1 Brazilian Champion
- 1 Argentinean Champion
- 4 Spanish Champions
1 Gibraltean Champion
Plus top winners in Sweden, Austria, and in France and Spain our dogs have won the Spaniel Speciality shows.
Recently we have campaigned C. Blue Icon 1 R.C.C. and his daughter C. Box of Tricks. Icon is now in Spain. In 1999 we started to campaign a new dog C. Wardance who was best minor puppy at the Cocker Spaniel
Club championship show. Wardance has recently gained his title, he was also RDCC at both the Cocker Club and Crufts 2001. All this has been accomplished by us whilst never keeping more than eight adult dogs.